Scientists Say There’s No Evidence of an Afterlife and 8 Reasons That Shouldn’t Discourage You.

Reading Time: 6 min 29 seconds

Bill Nye states there is no evidence of an afterlife.

Scientists state they know there is no valid evidence of an afterlife . Bill Nye recently stated that 'overwhelming evidence' proves there is no afterlife, and the vast majority of scientists say the same thing. Bring up an afterlife and you would be met with an eye-roll. I’m not gonna lie or placate all of you. These people such as Bill Nye are much smarter than me, and it gets to me every time I am reminded how against the possibility of an afterlife they are. I spiral back into “what am I missing?.” There is NO way I understand as much as Bill Nye, or Neil DeGrasse Tyson, or Lisa Randall, or others of our world’s top smart people.

But in this one area, as I sit and go over and over the evidence I have studied, I have to say they are wrong. I can’t say there is proof of an afterlife, but I can say there is strong evidence we survive death.

Here are eight reasons I have concluded there is evidence that should not be dismissed of an afterlife, no matter what scientists say.

Why there is evidence of an afterlife no matter what scientists say.

An afterlife does not mean God or Heaven. You can be an atheist and still think there is an afterlife.

1 - There is a distorted view of what an afterlife can mean:
Scientists (and many non-scientists as well) often have a misunderstanding or limited understanding of what an afterlife means that causes them to dismiss it immediately. Usually when people talk about an afterlife they mean God, Heaven, and maybe Hell. Belief in an afterlife is considered to be tied into religion. I cannot tell you how many times I mention I am researching an afterlife, that I think there is an afterlife etc and people immediately discuss angels, or God, or assume I am talking about religion or Heaven in some way. 

I think this religion-based, dogmatic, and from a scientific perspective completely fantastical concept of an afterlife causes scientists to dismiss it. (Note that I do respect the spiritual joy and strength religion brings to some people even if I don’t myself believe in God or Heaven.) As a scientist hearing this conscious all powerful, but still human-like being in the sky, who if you love just right, gives you joy for eternity or if you don’t, condemns you to suffering for eternity…well, that just doesn’t make any sense. If you ask most people for actual evidence of this god, they would be hard pressed to come up with it. Yes, some people might claim the Bible is evidence, or their “inner-knowing” is evidence, but no, it’s not. I’m talking about testable, data-based, evidence. Again, no disrespect to those who find beauty, wisdom and healing in their religion.

So, what if we change the wording  or whole concept from the often used, “Do we go to Heaven?,” or “Is there a God?,” to “Can our consciousness ever function independently of a brain?” or “Does our consciousness survive in any form?”.

Many scientists haven’t ever examined the evidence of an afterlife.

2 - They haven’t put in the time:
Honestly most scientists just aren’t that interested. Probably at times related to the above, since the concept of survival of consciousness is usually framed in such a non-scientific way, scientists just aren’t that interested. They assume it ties into religion or is very woo-woo. Plus, they are busy doing brilliant work. Not everyone can spend their time researching everything. I am curious as to what would happen if they did deeply investigate the evidence? Would they change their mind? Some have when confronted with experiences. 

Scientists are more open to the evidence of an afterlife and psi than they admit (well some of them at least)

3 - Scientists might be more open than they admit but…
As Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, a practicing psychiatrist, a John Hopkins trained neuroscientist, a former faculty member at Harvard Medical School, a contributor to the Institute of Noetic Sciences and author of the book, The ESP Enigma: The Scientific Case for Psychic Phenomena stated, “Some interested scientists have openly stated that they were afraid that they would lose their credibility should they investigate psi, the technical term for psychic abilities.”

And while psi abilities and afterlife are not the same thing, they are intertwined in demonstrating that consciousness is not dependent on a brain and only operates in the material world.

Scientists lose tenure. They lose grants and funding once they start investigating or even showing interest in investigating psi or anything related to the afterlife. Professors have been fired. Skeptics are ridiculed if they dare question. A friend of mine who is a ghost-hunter once told me he was at a haunted house event and a renown physicist was there. The physicist made him swear not to reveal their identity. The physicist was curious because they said energy outside of a body could work within physics, but they swore the ghost-hunter to secrecy. If word got out, this scientist would be ridiculed and worse, possibly lose money and funding to carry on their work.

Scientists have been wrong in the past. Why couldn’t they be wrong about life after death.

4 - Scientists Aren’t Always Right
Scientists, yes even very smart ones, have been wrong before. In fact, scientists are constantly wrong. The good ones admit it, once they get evidence to the contrary. That is part of the process of science. As we learn more we get closer and closer to right, but if we are asking really, really hard questions, we cannot expect to be right. I think we all got an up close view of how science works with Covid. As they learned more, protocols changed. Scientists were making the best decisions they could based on the knowledge they had. As they got more information, they made better decisions. Without following scientific protocols and the scientific method, we would not have had vaccines so quickly. Maybe in 200 years the way we handled Covid will seem primitive. Maybe a more advanced species would use a process we cannot begin to understand, and have a vaccine, or some other cure, in a day. But if we are going to get that advanced, the best path we have is science. 

However, science is wrong. All the time. For example, Lord Kelvin, a mathematician, mathematical physicist and engineer stated “Neither the balloon, nor the aeroplane, nor the gliding machine will be a practical success.” Robert Millikan, who won a Nobel Prize in Physics said that “there is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom.” And two generally held pieces of “fact” within the scientific community were the concept that the Earth was at the center of the universe and that continents are stable and cannot move. The Pangaea was considered absurd when first proposed. 

Just because we can’t explain what happens when we die, doesn't mean nothing happens.

5 - Just Because Something Can’t be Understood By Science, Doesn’t Mean it Isn’t True:
I can give examples from the past and currently. In the past people saw rocks appearing out of nowhere and falling from the sky. These people were considered delusional until scientists discovered meteors. The theory of germs were not understood, and in fact dismissed as absurd, yet doctors knew people were dying of something. Today scientists still don’t really understand how anesthesia actually works, how gravity works, or how a material brain can create (download??) not only consciousness, but also personality and emotions.

To state we know for a fact what happens after we die is a form of belief.

6 - We are Limited by Beliefs
Scientists are humans! Like all of us, it can be hard to just change your mind when confronted with new information, especially when that information is still barely understood. 

While this is about a doctor, medical research is science. So take for example, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis. When he proposed the theory of germs, mainly that doctors should wash their hands to save lives, he was dismissed. When he instructed his colleagues to start cleaning their hands and medical instruments with a chlorinated lime solution, cases of childbed fever, in a maternity ward dropped. He kept presenting his findings and trying to change the methods at hospitals but doctors saw it as an attack on their hygiene practices and kept dismissing his findings. What was crazier, was even when he implemented these hand washing procedures in maternity wards he was running, and fatalities dropped, he was still not taken seriously, He ended up being committed to a mental ward. 

Many scientists are just as dismissive of any evidence of an afterlife or anything paranormal today. 

I am sure the majority of the doctors who dismissed Dr. Semmelweis were good people who certainly didn’t want to cause more deaths. But even in the face of hard evidence, less deaths in the maternity ward, they could not see past their world view. Whether it was emotional, too painful to realize their behavior (not hand washing) had caused deaths, or just an absolute rigidity and inability to process anything that contradicted their world view, he was ridiculed and dismissed.

Even the most rational of us humans, behave very irrationally without even realizing it.

The laws of science and the universe are constantly changing as new evidence comes in.

7 -  Things that absolutely cannot happen according to science, do happen. 
I can personally vouch for this. Granted you have no reason to believe me. I’m pretty ordinary. I am not a physicist. But I am an atheist and consider myself a logical person. The reason I am using me as an example, is I am probably more like you than Einstein or Stephen Hawking are (no offense). But it also means that if you care enough to go see for yourself like I did, you can too. And, you might be pretty shocked. 

I bent a spoon. With my energy? Mind? Definitely not my strength. It was batshit. I got psychic medium readings where I had hidden my information and identity to the point that the psychic medium could not have known anything about me, yet they got accurate information. I have gotten to know mediums personally and grown to trust them - their honesty and their ability to assess reality. I have gotten inexplicable signs from “the Otherside.”

I have even had my own weird moments of experiencing “knowing things” or feeling energies. It was weird! And something I want to explore more. 

Many scientists who think there is evidence of an afterlife are scorned.

8 - Many Scientists Do Think There is Evidence of an Afterlife. They Just are Ignored or Dismissed.
There is a list of valid and intelligent scientists seriously studying this material, but as soon as they begin to, they become no longer considered a serious scientist. Or at least, the fact that they are studying this material is met with an eye-roll even if their other work is taken seriously. I will cover the list of these scientists in more detail in another article, but you can check out the Forever Family Foundation - look at the Scientific Advisory Board, DOPS (Division of Perceptual Studies) at UVA to name a few. I can also add Sir Roger Penrose and Dr. Stuart Hameroff are worth a look, as well as Dean Radin and Daryl Bem

Overall, just remember we know very little about the universe and the way things work. Dark matter supposedly makes up about 85 - 90% of the universe and scientists have no idea what it really is. No one knows what would happen if we were able to travel (or send technology) at close to the speed of light in one direction for 500 years. What would we discover? Or what the universe really was like say 10 trillion years before the Big Bang?

There is a reason it is called The Hard Problem of Consciousness.

Don’t lose hope when scientists dismiss or claim to know everything about something as complicated as our consciousness. 


Near Death Experiences - Netflix Surviving Death - Episode 1


The Time I Bent a Spoon and the Time I Didn’t.