Why Wikipedia and Skeptics Dismiss Parapsychology as Pseudoscience with Craig Weiler, Science Editor Episode 41

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Buy his book: Psi Wars: TED, Wikipedia and the battle for the Internet

GUEST: Craig Weiler, Science Editor, Paranormal Daily News; Parapsychology Journalist delves into exactly that question.

Why, if the scientific evidence of an afterlife, parapsychological research, mediumship and more are so strong, do skeptics and reliable sites such as Wikipedia, consistently dismiss it all as nonsense. Why do skeptics, who are supposed to be neutral and logical assessors of the facts, say all mediumship is fake and no one can have psychic abilities? Why does TED and TEDx ban talks by some of these scientists studying PSI abilities and afterlife evidence? Craig Weiler, Science Editor, Paranormal Daily News; Parapsychology Journalist delves into exactly that question.

Craig Weiler is a California Bay Area based author and he is the science editor for Paranormal Daily News. He covers controversies in parapsychology, such as a Wikipedia controversy, the TED controversy of 2013 and reported on 10 years of undiscovered research by Russell Gruber Mirror Worlds Research.  He is currently working on the first issue of Parawize, a new magazine devoted to parapsychology and other edge sciences. 

He is an associate member of the Parapsychological Association, author of Psi Wars: TED, Wikipedia and the battle for the Internet. He pays the bills with his small construction business on the peninsula in northern California, where he lives with his wife and just enough cats.

In This Episode:

- Why does Wikipedia always deny parapsychology

- Who has taken over Wikipedia

- What happens when authoritarian-minded people take over groups

- What is scientism 

- Why do skeptics dismiss strong evidence

- Aren’t skeptics supposed to be unbiased 

- If the evidence of psychic abilities and afterlife was so strong, wouldn't that convince skeptics

- What happened with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake's banned TED Talk

- What is the Ganzfeld experiment and how was it such amazing evidence of an afterlife

- What studies has Dr. Rupert Sheldrake done on animals and psychic abilities

- The universe is made up of consciousness

- An amazing remote viewing experiment showed people can predict the future

- What does Craig Weiler think of The Amazing Randi's million dollar challenge

- How does belief affect research and studies within parapsychology

- What are the differences between parapsychology and the paranormal

- What is the most amazing psychic experience Craig Weiler has personally experienced

- What is the most exciting stories in parapsychology that Craig Weiler is working on now

- Dr. Bill Bengston has used psychic abilities to heal

- Healing energy is embedded in objects 

- Since entanglement exists, space and time cannot actually be fundamental to reality

- Why do people get so angry about discussing or researching psychic abilities 

- What is the future of parapsychological research

and more...

Notes and Resources:


Abortion Access: Learn what consciousness and science has to say about the ethics of abortion. If you are looking for an abortion and live in a place where it is now illegal, this list of places can help.

Club Care: Co-founded by Emma Justus and her friend Calliope Witkow, in honor of Emma’s father David Justus who passed away from Gioblastoma, Club Care is a charity organization dedicated to supporting children and families dealing with cancer. Club Care strives to create joyful moments through meaningful projects impacting individual families as well as larger oncology communities.
Joyful Experience Team (JET): Founded by Oliver Justus, and his best friends, River Attard, Leo Gerstein, Jack Gorenstein, and Felix Ward, in honor of Oliver’s father, David Justus, who died after a nearly two-year battle with glioblastoma, JET seeks to create joyful experiences for families struggling with brain cancer, a chance to enhance their lives with experiences that are rich in love and will be treasured for all time.

Ghost Daddy Podcast: Ghost Daddy is podcast where your host Joe Perreta, a respected Psychic Medium, brings a unique and much-needed spiritual voice to the LGBTQ+ community. Joined by many friends; whether Joe is interviewing someone, talking about the perils of gay dating in NYC, or just shooting the sh't, like a true New Yorker he'll always keep it real. There will be readings, there will be laughs, and above all else, there will be love.

Estorie Agency: Estorie Agency is a public relations and communications firm that develops thoughtful public relations and communications strategies, content, and powerful partnerships for those who are making a positive social impact, sparking reform, and promoting well-being. “WTF Just Happened?!” in the subject line to receive a free 30-minute consolation.

Speaking of Crime Podcast: A true crime series investigating mysterious unsolved cases. Real people, real stories, real crime...

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