Can Psychics Read Your Mind and Thoughts? Psychic Medium Renee Buck. Part 2: Episode 4


Past -life regressions, highly evidential medium readings, mind-reading, and how mediums get the gender of someone who passed who was transgender.

In episode 4, Psychic Medium Renee Buck and Liz continue their conversation from the previous week. Liz wonders if Renee can really read people’s minds and actual thoughts, because well, that could be kind of uncomfortable. There are certain things Renee has taught, that a medium should get to prove they are communicating with someone’s loved one. One of those is gender, but what happens when the person who has passed away is transgender? The two talk about when Renee gave Liz a past life regression, and what happened. There was a really weird moment that Liz had to admit was inexplicable. Also would Liz’s skepticism interrupt the whole experience, but luckily Renee managed to remain calm and keep the session going. Renee shares about her own past life regressions, and while the two have slightly differing perspectives on this, they discuss whether or not these regressions can be evidence that people really do live past lives versus is it just our subconscious inventing stories.

When Liz asks Renee to share what she considers some of the most evidential and WTF?! things that have happened in her medium readings that could impress a skeptic, Renee does not disappoint. Lastly their conversation closes when Liz asks some pretty awkward questions.

With a Masters in Science - M.S. Management from MIT Sloan School of Management, Renee is incredibly smart (in a traditional, material world way) which makes it hard for those who are super skeptical to dismiss her experiences and assessment of them.

Renee is certified by the Forever Family Foundation, where she had to pass rigorous science-based testing to prove she could get accurate information beyond the odds of chance, under strict controls. | FaceBook 

Complete Summary:

Past life regressions, past life researchers, and amazingly evidential medium readings.

Episode four dives in with a conversation about past life regressions. Lis shares that Renee is a medium who does past-life regressions and Liz had one with her. Liz mentions she is not sure they are actually evidential, although they are very interesting. Liz also discusses past-life researchers Drs. Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker, and how Carl Sagan said Dr. Ian Stevenson’s work was worthy of further investigation and JAMA had considered Dr. Jim Tucker’s work valid. Mediums usually get the gender of the person who has passed away, so what happens when the person who has passed is transgender? Liz also asks Renee some pretty awkward questions =, so you won’t want to miss this episode.

Liz and Renee talk about the time Liz did a past life regression with Renee. Liz said it was a really fascinating experience, but she can’t say past life regressions are actually evidential. Drs. Jim Tucker and Ian Stevenson, who are child psychiatrists who study cases of kids with past life memories are the really evidential ones. Even Carl Sagan  stated that he respected Dr. Ian Steveson’s research. And Dr. Jim Tucker's work has been mentioned in JAMA, Journal of American Medical Association, stating that it  seems to really be pointing to kids demonstrating past life memories. 

Liz also points out how smart Renee is and reminds everyone that Renee mentioned she has a Masters of Science and management from MIT. There are a lot of stereotypes that mediums are illogical and very “woo” minded, but Liz wants people to know that Renee is incredibly logical, smart, science-minded. And Renee explains that despite being a psychic medium, she is actually very skeptical. Although not as skeptical as Liz.

Renee explains that proof is actually very important to her. That was one of the things that drew her to the spiritualism style of mediumship. Spiritualism is based on evidence on science. If you can't prove you have genuine abilities and can get accurate information as a medium, then you won't ever be certified within the spiritualist church

Past-life regressions and communicating with spirit guides.

Liz goes back to discussing her past-life regression. Yes she expected to go into a deep mediation, but she did not expect the information to come to her so easily. During the past where Liz was supposed to speak with her spirit guides and get information about her life and life purpose, the information just poured in. She could not believe how easily she had insights to these questions she had been struggling with. When Liz later heard the recordings of herself sharing what her “guides” were telling her, she could not believe how fast she was speaking. There was also a really weird and inexplicable moment which shocked Liz during this past lie regression that the two talk about. If this had happened with someone Liz did not know and trust she would have thought they were tricking her.

Liz thanks Renee for her incredible patience during the past life regression when Liz’s strongly skepticism kicked in. It was a really funny moment and Liz wanted to clarify she is not and never will be a believey person. Liz also asks Renee to share what doing a past-life regression is like for her. 

Renee explains that it was not only a past-life regression, but also a life between lives, where Liz asked questions about her life to her guides. Life between life regressions is  where you're actually taken to the other side and and you get to meet with your guides and then we go through a set of questions about the meaning and direction of your life. Renee finds that is always an interesting experience for skeptical people who try to see how fast the information flows through during these life between life readings. And that she loved how Liz was also surprised that she said and knew things she never could have normally and consciously come up with. 

Liz still says she is still not sure if the past life regressions and life between lives was really coming from genuine memories and her guides or her own subconscious.

Destiny of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton - Books on Past Life Regressions.

Renee says that a book  by Dr. Michael Newton, who specialized in life between life regressions, called Destiny of Souls was what got her really curious about regressions. She wants an experience that was verifiable and evidential. But unlike Liz, she really does believe completely in an afterlife and world of spirits, so it is a little different, but she still needs to have an experience herself to accept or see where all of the information comes from. 

Renee shares that when she had her own reading and her first experience with life between lives, hypnosis, there was one piece that fully confirmed for her that she was communicating with her guides. There was some information she got that she had to google and found out was true. This would only be something a huge history buff would have known. 

Are past-life regressions evidence of reincarnation?

Liz said she didn’t get anything verifiable on google, but did find it interesting that everything felt a lot more like memories than if she makes up stories. The memories from her pats life regression felt like when she would remember memories from childhood. Renee asked if her senses were not more vivid than regular memories, which often occurs in hypnosis. Liz says they weren’t, but she has an oddly strong memory. But Liz was amazed at how she lost track of time, and what felt like about one hour turned out to be much longer. 

What made this evidential for Liz was how fast time went, the way the memories and information came to her so quickly, and how she was able to answer questions about her own life that she always struggles with. But there was no hardcore, googleable evidence that was factual. So Liz feels that she (or anyone) cannot know they aren’t accessing information that they had stored subconsciously about that time in history. 

Renee noticed that in per past-lives she accessed during her ow regressions, a lot of her current day values came through. The way she cares about equality and human rights was always important. Liz agrees that is consistent with Renee today and mentions how human rights and injustice is something the two of them talk about frequently. They also went on the women’s march and anti-gun march together. Renee explains that was the context of how her past life came up. The past-life regression therapist she had worked with had said, "Can you show Renee, an example of a lifetime, where this was, her actions were as loud as her words." Which is what happened.

Mediumship development classes.

The two then discuss then Liz took Renee’s class on developing mediumship abilities. While there are misconceptions that mediums usually give cold readings, Renee always said and taught it was important for anyone giving a medium reading to get specifics, such as age of death, gender, hobbies or career. When Liz wonders what happens if the deceased person is transgender, Renee shares a time that did happen and how she understood their gender.

Renee also explains what it feels like to be a medium and “get” this information. Do they actually tell her in words? Does she see that person? Renee shares what it is like for her personally, and that each medium gets information differently. For her, most of that information will come through visually, or clairvoyantly. It's either like a video clip, or just a set of images. When Liz asks Renee to explain further, she explains that it is not as clear as if the person is sitting right in the room with her, it’s a little more hazy. But she gets a sense of body type, of age, and she can sense the character. It feels different if they were sweet and loving or very playful and liked to play jokes on people. Or were they the life of the party. Each person’s energy feels different. She explains how they act out their personalities for her. 

Evidential medium readings.

Liz then asks Renee about any “holy shit” that was so evidential experiences she has had when giving readings. What she shares is pretty impressive including being told by people’s deceased loved ones where missing objects are. A woman’s father who has passed away came into Renee and helped this woman find something she was really worried was missing. A girl who had passed away told Renee where a missing piece of jewelry was. Another woman’s daughter who had passed away helped Renee get ready for the reading before the woman even came in for the reading. As well as some other mind-blowing things that Liz could admit was very impressive. 

Liz then asks Renee questions many of us must have. To what extent can Renee read people’s thoughts and minds. Can she know all embarrassing thoughts and secrets? Liz also wants to know are these spirits always around us? Like would a boy she grew up with who sadly passed be hanging out while she’s taking a shower? And there are certainly times she doesn’t want her grandpa around and watching her.  

Liz says she has so many more questions, and while the talk is coming to an end, Liz would love to have her back on.


Should We Hex Donald Trump? The Spiritual Witch Michell Little. Part 1: Episode 5


An Amazing Sign from Renee’s Brother who Passed Away. Psychic Medium Renee Buck. Part 1: Episode 3