Should We Hex Donald Trump? The Spiritual Witch Michell Little. Part 1: Episode 5

The Ethics of Wiccan, Witchcraft, and Casting Spells

Meet Michell Little of The Spiritual Witch: A Spiritual Podcast. Michell is a practicing Wiccan and host of a podcast and website called The Spiritual Witch where she discusses being a Wiccan and all things spiritual.

Is it ever ok to hex someone?

Is it bad to put a hex on Donald Trump? While hexes can bring bad karma, wouldn’t putting aa hex on such a bad person bring good karma? Is he actually doing good for the world though in ways we don’t see? Why isn’t it necessarily good to cast helpful spells on your friends and family? Spells that would help them get the job they want, or heal from a broken heart.

Being raised in a Christian family and culture, there is a lot of judgment and closed-mindedness around witchcraft and Wicca, so she does have to cope with that obstacle and discusses being in “the broom closet” with some people. But despite misconceptions, Wiccanism is not Satanism. In fact they don’t even believe in Satan.

Michell and Liz discuss big questions such as it is ethical to put a hex (a negative spell) on someone causing harm, such as Donald Trump. (Liz thinks that sounds like a really great idea), but according to Michell it’s not that simple. Plus could Donald Trump be helping the world in ways we don’t even realize. What about casting a positive spell on a friend such as helping them fall in love or heal from a broken heart? That isn’t as clean cut as you might think.

The two discuss their love of animals, and of course Michell shares what it means for her to be Wiccan, the difference between spirituality and religion, what a Grimoire is, and how she became Wiccan in the first place. Also her family and culture are very Christian, so what do they think of her becoming a Wiccan? She does have to stay in “the broom closet” at times, as some Wiccans call it.

Do spells ever work?

Liz asks Michell if she has seen evidence that a spell she has cast has ever worked. She has. The two discuss if that really is evidence, since Liz can also see other explanations. They also discuss scientific experiments such as one Michell heard about where a person mentally sent a photon into another room and can our emotions impact matter. Liz is not so sure and would like to learn more.

For example if focusing negative energy and hate can turn a grain of rice black (as in one experiment) why doesn’t that happen regularly when we are very angry. However, there is more wisdom in ancient traditions than we often realize. Sage for example, which spiritual people can burn to get rid of negative energy, and scientific people dismiss, actually has a valid reason for this belief. Burning sage can apparently work as aa disinfectant.

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Complete Summary:

What is spirituality vs religion?

Liz opens the episode by asking when Michell says her podcast is based on spirituality, what does that mean to her? Michell explains that a lot of people confuse spirituality and religion. Religion is more organized and spirituality is more free and about a mind, body, spirit connection. In spirituality you don’t ask for forgiveness from your gods, you ask for them to help you. 

TO Michell, spirituality and following Wicca, is a very individual experience. It is different for everyone, so she can only share what it means to her. Michell has a group of gods and goddesses that she calls in when she needs them. One example is Hecate, a goddess she calls in when she feels she needs protection. She explains the Hecate is like the mom of witches so it is very comforting to feel her around.

Michell then explains how she first became a Wiccan when she stumbled across a small corner of witchcraft stuff in a store called Spencer’s. She was drawn to it since she always collected little bottles and loved to make tinctures.

Witchcraft and Wiccan is not satanic.

Being raised in a Christian family and culture, there is a lot of judgment and closed-mindedness around witchcraft and Wicca, so she does have to cope with that obstacle and discusses being in “the broom closet” with some people. But despite misconceptions, Wiccanism is not Satanism. In fact they don’t even believe in Satan.

She explains that they have a book, like their type of bible called a Grimoire or Book of Shadows, which is also like aa journal of your experiences as a Wiccan. It helps you figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. She shares what Wiccan rituals work for her and what don’t. It can be different for different people.

Both Liz and Michell discuss their love of animals.

The two discuss spells. Michell explains there have to be boundaries. For example, her fiancé (now husband) requested the she never perform a spell on him (even a positive one) so she of course honors that.

But the ethics of spells and hexes (a negative spell to use harm) are not always clear. Is it okay to put a positive spell on someone you care about? A spell to help them get what they want such as if they want to get pregnant or get a certain job. What about to help them heal from a broken heart? Michell explains it is not always that black and white and while it might be, there are ways it might not be as helpful as you might think.

Hexes vs. Spells

What about hexes? For example if you have an annoying neighbor? Is it really that bad to put a mild hex on them. Along with the role karma plays in Wiccan beliefs, Michell explains why she wouldn’t. What about casting aa hex on Donald Trump. While that wouldn't be great for him, wouldn’t that be doing good for the world. Michell explains why that a might not be the case, and why people like Donald Trump and things like broken hearts might not only be bad.

Michell does send spells of love to Black Lives Matter and to animals, but it is not always clear when it is ethical to send them.

Michell discusses karma and the two discuss how Covid is affecting the world and touch on their support of Black Lives Matter.

Liz asks Michell if she has seen evidence that a spell she has cast has ever worked. She has. The two discuss if that really is evidence, since Liz can also see other explanations. The two discuss scientific experiments such as one Michell heard about where a person mentally sent a photon into another room and can our emotions impact matter. Liz does not dismiss and would like to delve into these studies before forming an opinion.

For example if focusing negative energy and hate can turn a grain of rice black (as in one experiment) why doesn’t that happen regularly when we are very angry. However, there is more wisdom in ancient traditions than we often realize. Sage for example, which spiritual people can burn to get rid of negative energy, and scientific people dismiss, actually has a valid reason for this belief. Burning sage can apparently work as aa disinfectant.

Michell is clear to state, that while she loves energy healing such as reiki, it is also important to go to the traditional medical doctor because sometimes you do need antibiotics and sometimes you need energy healing.


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