Do psychic mediums know all your secrets? Your Questions. Answered. Episode 29.

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I answer your questions such as what books that have changed my mind about afterlife evidence, have I gotten signs from my dad after he passed away and more. This episode is dedicated to all of your questions. I answer one question each episode and this episode is a selection of them. If you have any questions, you can send them to

1 - What is one book that changed your mind most about afterlife evidence?
2 - What are some tips when booking a medium reading to make sure that they are not cheating?
3 - Have you ever had any experiences before you began studying afterlife evidence that you now look back on differently?
4 - I thought genuine psychic mediums were never supposed to charge for their gifts?
5 - Is it true that we actually pick our parents before we are born? And if so, why do some people choose abusive parents?
6 - Have you ever gotten any signs from your dad on the other side?
7 - Is it true you bent a spoon? What was that like?
8 - How can consciousness be created without a brain?
9 - How is it being friends with psychic mediums? Do you ever feel weird and that they know all of your secrets?
10 - Have any psychic mediums ever told you things that you said were wrong but then later came true?


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