From ‘Woo’ to ‘Wow!’ with Liz from WTF Just Happened - Introducing Seeking - I Podcast Episode 26

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This episode is shared from the Seeking-I podcast where Liz is a guest. Darren McEnaney, the host, is a skeptic, who like Liz, began to investigate if there was any valid evidence of life after death. In this episode Liz shares how she first began to explore if there was any evidence of an afterlife after the passing of her dad. She shares how the first thing that she discovered was the research of Dr. Jim Tucker on cases of kids with past life memories. The two delve into Near Death Experiences, why so many brilliant scientists all dismiss this research into life after death, and why that really doesn’t discourage Darren. They talk about mediumship and the difference between genuine and fake mediums as well as their thoughts on Netflix, Surviving Death’s take on mediumship.

For anyone who is fascinated by a logical and science-minded investigation into the likelihood of life after death (which is probably most of the WTF?! followers, you will love Seeking I, where Darren talks to many of the people who first gave Liz hope there could be an afterlife. Based on research and science. No belief needed.

Darren himself has a very intriguing personal story. Unlike the typical reason that tends to cause skeptics to delve into life after death research, a personal loss, Darren had not lost anyone he loved. When he was 12 years old he fainted in science class, something that sounds mild, however it was life changing. It opened up an anxiety disorder and a state of depression that caused Darren to become suicidal a few years later. According to Darren, : “I could see no future other than living a life of constant battle against the fear of death, and the constant physical feelings of some dreadful life-threatening disease that existed only in my mind.”

This inspired his exploration into life after death and if there was any valid evidence. Like Liz, he has thought it was highly unlikely, but he decided to dog deeper and also ended up amazed by all he discovered.

Follow Darren McEnaney and Seeking I: Podcast | YouTube | Website


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